MINT for girls
Equal Opportunities Officer and Women's Representatives
MINT for girls
MINT stands for:
- Maths
- Information technology
- Natural sciences
- Technology
These are subjects and professions that play a major role at DESY, but that continue to attract far fewer girls than boys. This is something we want to change.
Our goal is to attract more young women and girls to technical or scientific professions. For this purpose, we offer various events for young girls on the DESY campus.
We offer many opportunities for girls to experience STEM, ask questions and gain insights. They can look into laboratories, talk to female scientists, do an internship or watch a physics show.
The DESY-MINT events and initiatives are part of the Germany-wide National Covenant for Women in the MINT professions. These new and innovative services are being promoted and tested under the "Komm, mach MINT" project of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF).
Events are currently available in German only.
For more information on current events, visit".