
| Equal Opportunities Officer and Women's Representatives


Equal Opportunities Officer and Women's Representatives


Women's Representatives at DESY changed

The Women's Representatives (FV) at DESY is made up of the five area representatives and their deputies from the areas Zeuthen, Administration, Science, Technology and Guests. 

In Zeuthen, the previous representative, Ms. Ulrike Schulz, resigned from her position on August 31, 2024.

The deputy representative Silvia Alessandria was therefore appointed to the position of representative by the Directorate. According to the regulations, there is a procedure for filling the vacancy if there are successors for this area of candidacy in the election.

For the vacant deputy position, there is no list of successors. In this case, the Directorate appoints a successor from among the female employees in analogous application of Section 10 (2) GBV Chancengleichheit, under consideration of the proposals from the women's representation.

The Directorate has appointed Ms. Britta Neumann (ZEU-LB) as deputy representative. The appointment will take effect on October 1, 2024 for the remainder of the term of office (until October 2025).

Information for internal female applicants at DESY.

Now also available in English!


Flyer gender sensitive language - FAIR sprechen.gendersensible Sprache - FAIR sprechen.

Language is not neutral. Language is shaped by values, clichés, prejudices and in turn shapes consciousness and perception. In this way language and society influence each other. Gender sensitive language can make the genders equally visible and ensure that all genders are socially recognized.


In daily use, questions about the implementation always come up. The flyer is intended to provide answers and suggestions to these questions. The suggestions do not claim to be complete nor should they be "mandatory". They rather represent an invitation to deal with the topic and to adapt the own language of your own free will. In principle, we think it makes sense to promote a standardized use of language at DESY, and the flyer should offer a first possible step towards this.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at the Equal Opportunities Office.

Flyer gender-sensitive language GB/FV DESY (only for internal users)